The Westray Bus Service operates to provide a connection between the Rapness ferry
terminal and Pierowall village. During the summer months it also connects to the Papa
Westray ferry which operates from Gill Pier.
The bus service is open to any member of the public whether traveling all or part of the way to
the ferry terminal. It operates as a ‘hail and ride’ service where passengers can be picked up
or dropped off anywhere along the route. The only dedicated bus stop on the island is located
opposite the Pierowall Hotel. The bus routinely stops here as part of its regular route.
Special pickups and drop offs outwith the main route can be accommodated by arrangement and provided they do not adversely affect the timetable .
Minibuses are used to provide the service and are easy to board and alight by any able bodied person. We regret that we do not take wheelchairs or bicycles on our minibuses unless they can be folded.
Dogs are welcome on board as long as they sit on the floor and are well behaved!
The Westray Bus Service is operated by M& J Harcus, on behalf of Orkney Islands Council.